Holy Week 2024 Schedule

Please make your plans and join us for Holy Week here at the Cathedral!
Tags: Latest News / Calendar
127 NW 7th Street, Oklahoma City, OK 73102 · (405) 235-3436 · Give
Please make your plans and join us for Holy Week here at the Cathedral!
Tags: Latest News / Calendar
Join us Sundays at 9 AM, 11:15 AM and 5 PM for online worship. In-person services are at 8 AM, 9 AM, 11:15 AM and 5 PM.
Cathedral Offices Business Hours
Monday through Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
(P) 405-235-3436 (E) spcoffice@stpaulsokc.org
St. Paul's Episcopal Cathedral
127 NW 7th Street
Oklahoma City, OK 73102
St. Paul’s Cathedral welcomes everyone with open arms and open hearts! The Cathedral community is intentionally vibrant, active, diverse and inclusive. Our joy is in being a loving, accepting spiritual home - that serves as the face of God - to our community and to everyone who wishes to be part of our downtown parish. - Dean Katie Churchwell +
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