Vestry Update: July 2023

Vestry voted to engage the Audit Committee for an internal audit. Our finances are due to the Diocese at the beginning of September.
A window was broken in the Parish House, and will be repaired. Working on all things security, including strengthening any vulnerable spots. Response time by officials was very good.
Contracted a Sexton, and he is already appreciated.
Huge thank you to Bill, Liz & Lauren who have gone over contracts and letters of engagement, taking care of the 'corporate' functions of the Cathedral.
Copier agreement will curb the overspending for printing.
Parking lot agreements are reupped but at more area appropriate rates. Will seek to make them more safe, including lighting and signage.
Memorial Garden project is a go, in a prayerful way.
Stewardship continues its year round course, with emphasis on Consecration Sundays - 10 September, Talent and Time, 12 November, Treasure. Joyful, prayerful sharing of gifts.
Legacy Society - Planned Giving - celebrating in August.
Dreaming Campaign will go into white boarding phase to prioritize and expand the wants/needs of the Cathedral.
Leaking again in Undercroft - some seepage from the ground, so structural engineer evaluating it.
Elevator contract has been signed, so scheduling and parts ordering will commence.
Mother Sarah and others to meet with various churches to figure out how to help those without houses (especially the Downtown community), with St Paul's showing what can be done.
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