Vestry Update: November 2023

Financial report given by Treasurer.
Pledges are still behind, and behind year to date where they were last year.
Very grateful to Rhineharts for their generosity of time, treasure, and talent through the years.
Vestry began discussing 2024 budget and Endowment Resolutions.
Discussion of putting names back into the Prayers for the People (speaking them, printing them, etc) versus time constraints. Prayer lists are available - should they be made more available? Dean Willey Hall now?
Security training has been requested/discussed. Also, what to do with folks looking for assistance? Will be addressed at Annual Meeting.
Nominating Committee will be meeting to fill upcoming vacancies on the Vestry, considering needed skill sets.
Mutual Ministry Review in progress - email will go to Dean, staff, Vestry for self reflection and overall review.
Working on permitting for Cold Weather Sheltering - much more extensive process than thought. Are still coordinating with CityCare and Homeless Alliance.
Stewardship thanked everyone for all their work with Ministry Leaders Dinner and Consecration Sunday. Numbers are not yet where they will end up - still joyous and prayerful now.
Senior Warden encouraged nomination discernment and mutual ministry. Need to continue next steps on financial discernment. Vestry approved of future steps needed.
Junior Warden updated about the various projects on campus. One request - if someone finds dark spots or somewhere needing more lighting, let Junior Warden know. Shout out to Todd Olberding for big projects. Grateful for Chris Allbright for day to day.
In preparation for the Audit in 2024, looking for an auditor skilled in 'financial' or 'income statement' experience.
Closed, as always, in prayer.
Respectfully Submitted,
Samonia Byford, Vestry Clerk
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