Vestry Update: April 2024

23 April 2024
The Finance Report is now immediately followed by the Junior Warden's report as Capital Expenses become an ever greater part of the budget.
Questions and comments about buildings and grounds should be directed to Melissa Heuer to make sure everything has the latest and most complete information.
Welcomed Jordan Rosseau back to the Vestry, as he finishes out Kyle Foster's term.
Vestry continues to be available and to actively seek feedback. "Anything we need to know?" in a spirit of gentle open communication.
Summer schedule of worship to be announced. No formation between services, though coffee hour will go on. Return of three Sunday services after Rally Sunday in mid-September.
Dean is actively speaking with the Diocese Canon to the Ordinary to move forward with a Priest search. Will publish a job posting soon. Please pray and be ready for the process (may be a long one as supply does not meet current demand).
Stewardship continues to tweak the process for best success. They were complimented on their communication, especially Stewardship Corner - encouraging congregation in all the different ways to give and be stewards.
Capital Campaign ongoing, though the Ask time will most likely be first quarter of new year. Lists of projects being organised and getting a firm 'cost' per project has begun. Seeking additional volunteers for feasibility study.
Vestry will be trained in and practice active/engaged listening exercises, because strong conversations are inevitable. Every voice and opinion is valuable, even if everyone won't get 'their way.'
Senior Warden encouraged Vestry to stay visible and bend to their 'extrovert' sides to seek out conversations. Cathedral family should know and feel their voices are important - as we need a variety of viewpoints for the best possible outcomes.
Tours of the buildings and grounds will be made available to parishioners, with a special eye to accessibility to ensure we are as inclusive as possible - physical, mental, and emotional needs, especially in worship areas.
Vestry supportive of two aspirants for holy orders - one towards Diaconate and one towards Priesthood.
Celebrating Deacon Tracy - coming up on a year, and so grateful for all she does (especially during Holy Week).
Special Permit for the Cold Weather Emergency Shelter was approved - many thanks to Bill Parker, Heather Sessing, Madeline Benham, Father Omar, and Lauren Bass.
Dean expressed gratitude for the congregation supporting her attendance of two conferences (aka continuing education) - she does not take these times of learning, networking, and rest for granted.
OKC is on the docket for North American Deans Conference in 2028.
Merch is in the works (prints of the 120th Anniversary drawing, polo/golf shirts, etc) - discussed proceeds going to the Endowment.
As always, the Vestry meeting began and ended in prayer.
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