Vestry Update: February 2024

During Vestry Check-In, those who had ideas for the Capital Campaign but were unable to attend the cottage meetings were encouraged to email Franci Hart. Someone shared they approve of and trust in the way the Vestry is carefully directing finances.
The Dean updated the Vestry on the Special Shelter Permit - planning commission approved and it goes next to the Council. Everyone was encouraged to contact their own council member to encourage them to vote in favour of the permit.
Cathedral will be using a Diocese recommended firm to create a proper Employee Handbook, following legal HR requirements.
New Vestry members were officially welcomed.
Stewardship reported they are moving the main pledge events from Oct/Nov to Sept/Oct, and to review each to make sure all are planned in the most productive ways - not just 'how we've been doing them' ways. Volunteers (Vestry and non) were encouraged, and ideas for Stewardship Corner.
Capital Campaign reported 58 participants attended the cottage meetings, and raw information will be shared soon. Leslie Pendleton will review and produce a report. Feedback was positive with no pushback. There was a lot of concern about buildings. People are excited by the shelter - responding to a call.
Senior Warden spoke about local and Diocese Vestry academies. Also need to decide how to celebrate/commemorate the 120th anniversary of the first service in the Cathedral. He also spoke to Vestry being the 'customer facing' role, and keep an ear out for side whispers - addressing problems when they are still small with healthy and direct communication.
Junior Warden shared her written report, and then updated on various repairs - especially the roof and the bell tower. Boiler will need to be replaced this Summer, and then updated to code. Vestry did approve of the resolution to replace and upgrade the education building roof.
Before closing prayer, the Dean shared appreciation for all of those who make it possible for those in attendance to attend.
Respectfully Submitted, Samonia Byford, Vestry Clerk, St. Paul's Episcopal Cathedral
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