Vestry Update: January 2024

A proposed budget and update on all the financials dominated the conversation. Please see the Finance Committee Memo for details. The Vestry continues to be conservative and debt-adversant, though they want to provide adequate staffing, especially clergy, for all the needs of the Cathedral.
In the Vestry Check-In, the overall feelings of the congregation was gauged, and, in particular, about Sunday services and the possibility of a Capital Campaign. Frustration over trying to find people's contact information was expressed, so the Dean and staff will look into making that easier through Realm.
The Emergency Shelter was an overall success, though volunteer turn out was very tight at times. There were some heartbreaking moments, including some medical emergencies. Grateful for all the help, including a newly confirmed member who stepped up to help one of the guests who was in dire circumstances. The six baptisms and participation on Sunday was uplifting, and our new members have been very welcomed. If we wish to serve more families, we will need to amend protocols (let them in earlier).
In the Stewardship report, Samonia shared Carol Goodwin has stepped into her role as the 2024-2026 Chair position. As pledges are still significantly down, Committee is working through all the lists of people who pledged in 2023 but have not completed their pledges and those who pledged in 2023 but not yet in 2024. Realm has been challenging as it doesn't automatically include pledges into reports run, so staff has been working to smooth out that process and to find everyone who has pledged.
The 120th anniversary of the first service at the Cathedralis this year (13 March 1904). Please share ideas on how to commemorate.
In the Discernment Phase of the Capital Campaign. Franci Hart has been scheduling ten cottage meetings for cathedral members to have a chance to ask questions and share ideas. Signups will be shared widely.
Senior Warden Tim Fischer asked Vestry to be present at the Annual Meeting, wearing name tags. He described the series of events.
Junior Warden Sarah Musler, emphasising she is outgoing, updated on some of the work being done. Bell Tower stone work moved due to weather, street will be closed temporarily. Thanked everyone for funding Chris Allbright's position - has made Sarah's and Todd's work so much better. Less crisis management. Cathedral performed well during the shelter time (one leak fixed by Chris). Round of applause for Sarah and her work during the last three years. Welcomed Melissa Heuer as the incoming Junior Warden.
Shout out to Bill Parker for work on contracts, and especially to him (and Lauren) for work on the special permit for the shelter. Lots of support from local community, including in kind donations from places like Plenty Mercantile and Urbane, plus volunteers and Amazon wishlist items from DEQ.
Specific gratitude to Lauren Bass for work done in support of all the operations - buildings, outreach, ministry. Her hard work and intense attention to detail, along with tenacity, is so appreciated.
Shared gratitude for Vestry members rolling off - Melissa Heuer, John Koons, Kelly Masters-Newton, and Jana Plowman. The meeting was closed in prayer by Dean Churchwell.
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