Vestry Update: June 2023
Vestry was led by Senior Warden Tim Fischer as Dean Churchwell (and Philip Newcomer) are out at St Crispins for the week.
Finances continue to be in good condition (see Finance Memo), and even though available cash will be used in part for repairs, those have been planned. Printing continues to be an overly expensive item, so the Dean is pursuing good quality, less-cost plans.
Diocese will soon encourage participation in St Ignatius exercises - a spiritual method to connect further with God.
Dean Churchwell has been appointed Dean of an OKC clergy group.
Stewardship has lined up communications it will need in the leadup to and following Consecration Sunday (12 November 2023) to provide clear information to all. Samonia encouraged others to join the Committee (Vestry and others), especially as we pursue year-round stewardship activities.
Senior Warden's message was uplifting - continue to share wants/dreams as well as spiritual path stories. Encouraged Vestry to keep wearing their name tags and introduce themselves to new folks (or new to them folks). Planned Giving is working towards a celebration for the Legacy Society (anyone who has included St Paul's in their estate planning).
Junior Warden's report included progress on the elevator contract (still hoping to have it in operation before the end of the year). Kudos to Lauren Bass for heading up the repairs for electricity and the chiller over the long weekend in June. Looking for an aluminum welder to repair lights in the south parking lot. Crypt stairway in progress - color to closely match the door there. Handy Saints is ever-growing and had a successful workshop on pew repair. (Melissa Heuer encouraged fellow Vestry members to attend future workshops - and bring their own drills and knee pads). Other repairs are in progress. No new leaks in Undercroft.
Mother Sarah closed the meeting in prayer.
St. Paul's Cathedral is a vibrant Episcopal church in the heart of downtown Oklahoma City. Deeply rooted in the ministry and teachings of Jesus Christ and the traditions of the Episcopal Church, St. Paul’s is the spiritual center of the Diocese of Oklahoma. We are committed to being a place for all who seek and share God’s unconditional and abundant love, which calls us to comfort and stand with the vulnerable and each other.
St. Paul’s Cathedral…All are invited. All are welcome.
Tags: Vestry