Vestry Update: March 2024

Vestry went over Capital Expenses in greater detail - and the Junior Warden's report flowed from the Financial Discussion. Working on an inventory list of property and fixtures.
Rob Duran and Liz Salomone met with insurance broker to make sure things are valued appropriately. Expecting a major bump in premiums.
Question was asked - do we specifically ask parishioners with needed skill sets for in-kind donation of expertise or abilities? We have but could do so more.
Long discussion of future clergical needs, especially in light of 24 services held during Holy Week alone. Would be great to have the Senior Associate Priest meet with guilds and committees and attend rehearsals before such times so the Dean did not have to attend so many.
Stewardship still contacting people who have pledged before but have not yet this time, or not fulfilled previous pledge. Tweaking process still - moving up timeline. Broadening sense from 'just' a monetary commitment.
Capital Campaign to be meeting with Leslie Pendleton soon. Going from Discernment into Feasibility. Not yet at 'Ask' phase. Thanked everyone who has participated so far. Would like to continue to broaden the folks taking part to get a greater sense of the needs and wants. Considering an Honorary Chair, plus a worker bee committee.
Senior Warden complimented clergy and staff on a great Easter season - fulfilling and enlightening. Reminding us all we are on God's time, not our own. Continue to open our hearts and make opportunities for people. We are in a thriving period, many thanks given to past vestries and sound financial management in past few years.
Noted there will be at least two conferences hosted at St Paul's in 2025 - Vergers and Episcopal Communicators.
Dean off to two conferences soon - Urban/Suburban and North American Deans. She is grateful to Vestry for behind the scenes work but also worshiping and relationship to God.
Many praises given to choirs for all the services, especially the 'kiddos', and the Altar Guild for all their extra work.
Closed in prayer of gratitude by Dean Churchwell.
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