Vestry Update - October 2023

Senior Warden Tim Fischer led the October Vestry meeting, though the Dean gave her own report and added information to other reports.
The Finance report emphasized the Endowment, budgeting for Capital Expenses, and the concerning amount Pledge payments are running behind. (Please see the Finance Committee Memo.) Budget will be considered after Consecration Sunday and will be voted on in December.
The Dean told the Vestry the news about Mother Sarah's discernment process leading her to answer the call to Emmanuel Episcopal Church in Shawnee. Dean Churchwell reassured the Vestry this is not an unexpected change in a Curacy, and was a positive reflection on St. Paul's as Mother Sarah had the freedom and openness to hear and receive the call - in what is the 'beauty and the heartbreak of Curacy.'
There was conversation about the future clerical needs of St. Paul's, and the Dean shared she believes God is already working on an Associate Priest for the Cathedral for when the time arises for another full-time clergy member.
Chris Albright has taken on the position of Director of Facilities, and is performing the job smoothly. Vestry expressed gratitude for his abilities and good spirit. He will be an important part of the Cathedral becoming proactive in buildings and grounds upkeep.
Stewardship reported upcoming dates and asked for volunteers for various tasks. In an effort to fully reflect the health of the Cathedral, numbers of online viewers will be taken into consideration - including St. Stephens in Guymon who livestream our service every other Sunday.
The Senior Warden commended Stewardship for their clear and joyful communications. He said the congregation shares the Vestry's risk adverse, realistic budgeting especially saving for future repairs and renovations.
The Nominating Committee will soon meet to pick the slate for the next set of incoming Vestry members. Susan Urbach as immediate past Senior Warden will chair, Tim and Sarah will serve, along with outgoing Vestry members.
Vestry will have time with the Bishop after the 11:15 a.m. service on 5 November.
The Junior Warden shared cautiously good news about the elevator (please see her report), and encouraged participation in Handy Saints (2nd Saturdays from 8:30 - 11:30 a.m.). She went through the major repairs and needs of the buildings and grounds. A member brought up the need for a new refrigerator in the kitchen, which is on the list.
Name tag orders have been placed - and some are available for pickup in the welcome area. Those who have not yet ordered can still do so.
The October meeting started and ended in prayer.
Respectfully Submitted, Samonia Byford, St. Paul's Episcopal Cathedral Vestry Clerk
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