Capital Campaign Discernment

Your presence and engagement at the Capital Campaign Discernment Listening Sessions in February (Cottage Meetings) brought forth a wealth of beautiful and insightful ideas, shaping a landscape of dreams that inspire and resonate with the vision of our Cathedral community. It is through the collective sharing of perspectives, aspirations, and wisdom that we are able to navigate toward a future filled with purpose and possibility.
Your thoughtful reflections and imaginative dreaming have provided us with a rich tapestry of concepts and priorities. These ideas will serve as the foundation for our efforts in compiling a list of capital projects that align harmoniously with our cathedral's ethos and mission.
Attached to this message is the culmination of our collective dreaming—a reflection of the passion and creativity that flourished within our discussions. We encourage you to peruse these ideas and insights, as they represent the collective voice of our community. They have not been edited, and all ideas and thoughts have been included. These comments will aide in creating a formalized list of projects to be potentially be funded through a future capital campaign.
Once again, thank you for your unwavering dedication and commitment to our Cathedral family. Your contributions are deeply appreciated and instrumental in shaping the path forward as we continue to strive for excellence and fulfillment in our shared endeavors. Keep your eyes open for the next step concerning a capital campaign at St. Paul's.
With gratitude, Dean Katie Churchwell +
We extend our sincere gratitude to all participants in the recent 'Cottage Meetings' focused on shaping the future of St. Paul's. Currently, we are in the process of collating the feedback received and anticipate sharing the insights shortly. Moving forward, a comprehensive feasibility study will be undertaken by campaign leaders and the executive team. This study will involve a meticulous evaluation of all essential elements pertaining to a potential capital campaign to determine its viability. We will keep you informed of progress and value your continued input. For any inquiries, contact
Meet Leslie Pendleton of Pendleton Consulting, our Capital Campaign Consultant!
Leslie G. Pendleton of Pendleton Consulting, LLC has worked with a diversity of congregations, enthusiastically guiding them through the communal process of a capital campaign. With her perspective as a clergy spouse, Leslie has in-depth knowledge of the day-to-day joys and challenges parishes face today.
In addition to reaching a financial goal, she strives to:
- Empower mission-driven leadership with an understanding of clear, strategic communications
- Strengthen financial practices, transparency and accountability, in annual, capital and planned-giving fundraising, and encourage a greater spiritual and mission- based connection to money.
- Inspire a focused common-vision, joy from achieving a common goal, and motivation to continue to discern their call and boldly act.
- Leave behind tools to build on what was learned.
Leslie was the Associate Program Director for Capital Campaigns and Strategic Resources, and a capital campaign consultant with the Episcopal Church Foundation for ten years. She trained and mentored more than 25 consultants to be adaptive, effective and sensitive leaders for their clients. She currently lives in New Hampshire and has been a member of churches in Connecticut, New Jersey, Washington, DC and Florida.
Leslie is always happy to listen to your story and collaborate on a plan to further your mission.
Contact Leslie by phone or email: