Children & Youth
Your family is important here.
We believe that all people are made in God's image, including our children and youth.
We at Saint Paul’s are committed to helping children grow in faith. While it may seem that they don’t always understand what is going on, they often understand more than we realize. By our attitude, they understand church is a special and sacred place where they are loved and accepted. Our church service provides an excellent opportunity for parents to be involved in the spiritual nurturing of their children. Church School, led by people who are engaged in communicating the love of God to children, offers children age-appropriate learning opportunities led by loving people using sound resources.
Children's Formation
Church School - Sundays at 10:10 am
(September through late December & January through late May)
At Saint Paul's Cathedral we provide weekly Sunday morning Church School for all children ages 3 until 5th grade when children enter into our youth program. Presently church school begins at 10:10 following a gathering time in the Reception area where we will divide into age groups t…
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Nursery and Child Care is offered Sundays from 7:45 a.m. until 12:45 pm
Childcare: Ages 6 months through 7
Sometimes young children find a church service a challenge to endure. St. Paul's offers the option for adults to place children in the Nursery or in Child Care. In addition to Sunday mornings, the Nursery and Child Care is available, on most holidays including Christmas Eve an…
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At St. Paul's we strive to walk with our teens on their path to adulthood.
Our desire is to help youth recognize their spiritual gifts, learn how to serve God, help them form and learn answers to their questions about faith while fostering their desire to make a difference in the world. Our youth group meets at least once a month. Contact Page Jackson for more information.