Life Events
Many of the most frequent questions we receive center around life changes such as baptisms, weddings, confirmation, funerals and how the church can be present for you during these times.
Holy Baptism is the sacramental rite of full initiation - by water and the Holy Spirit - into membership in the Body of Christ. Baptism takes place in the context of the Holy Eucharist on Sundays, Feast Days and during the seasons of Easter and Pentecost. During the service of Baptism, all members of the Cathedral renew their own baptismal vows and welcome the newly baptized into…
Read More »Confirmation

Confirming one's faith in the Church marks an important chapter in the Christian life. Confirmation Class prepares young people and adults to make a public affirmation of their Baptismal vows. Confirmation in the Episcopal Church is one of several spiritual markers and includes the Bishop laying hands upon one's head and praying for the Holy Spirit to uphold this person in he…
Read More »Marriage

Lifelong relationships - of all kinds - are a gift to the world. Preparing for an unwavering commitment is a time of great joy. St. Paul's Cathedral joins in both the celebration and also in the preparations for a very special day. To be married in the Church is not about setting up new living arrangements, rather it is about the process of evolving in…
Burial Rites

Planning a funeral is a stressful process. At St. Paul's Cathedral we want to relieve as much of that burden as possible and help you make informed decisions regarding all aspects of the service. Please complete the form below and a Staff or Clergy person will be in touch with you as soon as possible.