
St. Paul’s Cathedral has a strong history of excellence in sacred music and is one of the few Episcopal Churches that sustains two sung Eucharistic services for Sundays as well as regular Choral Evensong and sung Compline. As the cathedral for the Episcopal Diocese of Oklahoma, St. Paul’s is an important musical presence in the community and prides itself on a standard of excellence in sacred music and liturgy.
As members of the Episcopal Church and the larger global Anglican Communion, we take part in an ancient and venerable musical tradition, a heritage of inestimable value. All choral and musical components of the liturgy are an offering of praise and prayer. At its best, the music offered is intended to inspire and enable prayerful devotion while also representing the corporate worship of the cathedral parish as a whole.
There are many opportunities to be involved in music ministry at the cathedral. Please contact Canon Precentor & Director of Music, Joseph Ripka for more information.

The Cathedral Choir will embark on a tour of the UK in 2025 including Liverpool, Ripon, and Chester Cathedrals. Save the dates! July 19-29, 2025.
JOIN THE CHOIR! All new choristers who join by Easter 2024 will be eligible to tour with us. Email to join.
Sponsor a Chorister!
Choral residencies are an important part of chorister educat…
Read More »Music Mondays 2023-2024

Join Canon Musician, Joseph Ripka, in the Choir Room from 7-8 pm, for a series of musical presentations. Refreshments served.
November 13: The King of Instruments
The history of the organ, how it works, and all about great organists and composers for the instrument.
December 4: Lessons & Carols - Advent and Christmas
In depth discussion of the history of carol services and their t…
Cathedral Choirs

St. Paul's Episcopal Cathedral is proud to have the following choirs: The Cathedral Choir, The Cathedral Choristers,The Cherub Choir, Saint Cecilia Choir, and Schola Santorum.
The St. Paul's Cathedral Choir is comprised of our youth choristers and several volunteer and professional staff singers. This choir sings at the 9:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist Rite II, weekly, as well as choral …
Read More »Choir Trip to Washington D.C.

On July 23, 2023, the Cathedral Choir & Choristers led worship at the Washington National Cathedral at both the 11:15 a.m. mass and 4:00 p.m. Choral Evensong. They were accompanied by some congregational guests of St. Paul's OKC. The Choir spent time touring the D.C. area, visiting museums, monuments, great restaurants and enjoyed touring and rehearsing at Christ Church in Old …
Read More »The Cathedral Organ

John-Paul Buzard Organbuilders, Inc. Opus 20
Built during the restoration of the Cathedral following the Murrah Building bombing, the Buzard Pipe Organ is a wonderful part of the Cathedral's top-notch music program. The Buzard website ( includes a detailed description.
St. Paul's Music Society

The St. Paul's Music Society is a group of people who are willing to provide extra financial support to the Music Program at the Cathedral. The annual Membership/Fund Drive provides funds for the use of extra musicians in services and special programs, hospitality for guest musicians and publicity for concerts, receptions and other expenses associated with the comprehensive music…
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