Music Mondays 2023-2024

Join Canon Musician, Joseph Ripka, in the Choir Room from 7-8 pm, for a series of musical presentations. Refreshments served.
November 13: The King of Instruments
The history of the organ, how it works, and all about great organists and composers for the instrument.
December 4: Lessons & Carols - Advent and Christmas
In depth discussion of the history of carol services and their traditions.
January 8: Great Cathedral Choirs of the UK
Some of the great UK Choirs and their traditions, including: Wells, Salisbury, St. Paul's and more.
February 5: Keep Calm and Sing Psalms
The historical practice of psalm singing, traditions, and notation including plainsong and Anglican chant.
March 4: Oratorios - Handel's Messiah
The great oratorio tradition; Handel's Messiah in depth.
April 8: The Hymnal 1982
Everything you wanted to know about our hymnal including tune names, meter, historical background, and texts.
May 6: Open Mic!
Topic will be determined based on participant feedback in early Spring.