Nursery & Childcare
Nursery and Child Care is offered Sundays from 7:45 a.m. until 12:45 pm
Childcare: Ages 6 months through 7
Sometimes young children find a church service a challenge to endure. St. Paul's offers the option for adults to place children in the Nursery or in Child Care. In addition to Sunday mornings, the Nursery and Child Care is available, on most holidays including Christmas Eve and for all evening services during Holy Week. Nursery or Child Care may also be available during special events. Please check the calendar of events or the weekly Ministry Minute for more details.
Check-In Procedures: Parents bringing children for Nursery and/or Child Care may check children in at the desk located in the hallway to the north of the Reception Desk on the first floor of the Education Building. The Education Building is the building to the right (facing North) of the Church. The child is received and checked in by a child care worker. Adults responsible for the child must leave a mobile number where they can receive a text message or phone call during the church service in case of an emergency, an illness or a behavioral concern.
All first time Nursery/Child Care attendees complete a registration form which is available at the check-in desk.
Safety and Security: The Nursery and Child Care facility follows Department of Human Services Standards, where possible, in the care and safety of Cathedral children. The Nursery and Child Care staff has completed Safeguarding God's Children training and are certified in CPR/First Aid within 60 days of the date of hire. Staff members also follow the St. Paul's Policies and Procedures for Childcare and Childcare Workers. Mask wearing is required for all adults within the building to be worn. Children who are able to wear a mask are also encouraged. Lastly, all childcare workers are vaccinated for covid and are highly encouraged to receive an annual flu shot.